Charlotte Skyline

Charlotte Skyline

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Second Day Shenanigans

Xiaolongbao, shopping, going to the salon, and more shopping, that about sums up my day.
My shopping excursion started at S. Shaanxi Rd, a favorite shopping street of my Shanghai chums, and for good reason. I revisited the many shoes shops (many who sold only one size of each shoe), the many clothing shops (where I feel they get their merch off the back of a truck), and the many jewelry shops (particularly the one that advertised: all only 10kuai!). After wandering Shaanxi, we ate at this place called Red House, which is a restaurant that specializes in Western cuisine that was prevalent in Shanghai at the turn of the century. Overall a good place, nice decor, good food presentation, delicious soup, and good duck.

Then I continued on to Yu Yuan, the famous garden area that still showcases the old style buildings of the late 1800s Shanghai. My mom and I were trying to kill time before my hair appointment, and we achieved success by mindlessly wandering the streets surrounding Yu Yuan. I bought a leather purse (one that wasn't a knock off, unbelievable huh?) and a scarf (thus beginning my hording of scarves). We made my hair appointment and I got hit on by all three barbers who tended to my hair. I think I may have promised to host one of them if ever he comes to the U.S., god I hope not. I really need to improve my Chinese.
Wow, I am super tired and it's only 11pm here, but it is 7am Cali time.
Good night my 朋友, or good morning?

1 comment:

Lily Fu said...

shaanxi nan luuuuuu!!!!! so jealous.