I'm a liar. Never updated about Spain. Life got in the way. and now I'm in Charlotte, NC.
How did I become to be in the American South? Well, I guess it's not the true South, but close to it. My company offered me an opportunity and I couldn't not take it. I dislike thinking of the things I could've, should've, would've done. I'd rather do something and risk the regret that might come with the action than regret not taking action. Comprendere? So I made the leap from comfortable but not fulfilled in beautiful Southern California to challenged and cold in North Carolina. So far, I'm liking it. I may be struggling with the learning curve that comes from switching to a new line of work, but I'm enjoying the challenge. I'm also really enjoying the whole living alone thing. I don't mean to sound like a hermit, but I achieve more without all the distractions. Plus, I'm beginning to love my small, first floor apartment with washer/dryer and oversized couch.
Enough about my inner thoughts and crap, this is a pseudo-travel blog, so on to the travel!
I drove across this great nation of mine (yes, I do profess I love America, but that's a discussion for a different forum). From the mild weather of Southern California across the frozen deserts of Arizona and New Mexico, through the vast agricultural lands in the middle of the country to the dirty south (Hot-lanta!) and finally ending up in this boom town of Charlotte, NC. Took us 3.5 days, 2400 miles, countless tanks of gasoline, and plate fulls of Americana. We literally ate ourselves across America. Drove for hours at a time only to stop at a place one of us had seen on either Food Network or Travel Channel. It was wonderful and I weigh 5 pounds more than I did when in So. Cal. It's all the rich Southern food I've consumed. =_=
America is such a varied and beautiful country. It's a wonder I didn't get around to roadtrippin' through it before. Now to explore more of the South and East coast.
I promise to make a more concerted effort of keeping this thing updated. Even if no one reads it, I know I'll need the memory boost in the future.
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